差2天就可退休 美FBI副局长麦卡比突遭开除
据美国公共电视网(NPR)报导,继国务卿提勒森(Rex Tillerson)突遭去职后,川普(Donald Trump)政府又传出一名高阶官员遭开除。美国司法部长塞辛斯(Jeff Sessions)方才宣布,以未经授权向媒体爆料为由,即刻开除曾代理局长职务、现任联邦调查局(FBI)副局长安德鲁·麦卡比(Andrew McCabe)职务,引发外界一阵哗然。
白宫炒鱿鱼风云 美媒:川普欲撤换国安顾问麦克马斯特
因为从1996年起、已在局内服务22年的麦卡比,即将于2天后届龄退休,却在此时遭到开除,恐危及他的退休金与相关福利计画。事实上,麦卡比早在前年总统大选期间,就已是共和党议员群起攻之的目标。主因是当时正角逐维吉尼亚州议员的妻子吉儿(Jill McCabe),接受了前州长、也是希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)支持者之一的泰瑞·麦考夫(Terry McAuliffe)捐赠,虽然司法部与调查局都表态无犯法之嫌,但共和党阵营却认为麦卡比有失公正。
Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年3月17日
Why didn't A.G. Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigation but got....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2017年7月26日Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on. He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you.
— James Comey (@Comey) 2018年1月30日现年49岁的麦卡比,出生于美国康乃狄克州,拥有杜克大学(Duke University)与圣路易华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)的学位,攻读法学院期间,曾在司法部与联邦调查局实习。28岁那年进入联邦调查局纽约分处工作,歷任局内反恐处、国家安全处与华府分处等职务,2013年参与波士顿马拉松爆炸(Boston Marathon bombing)调查,并成为刑侦调查计画的主任,前年(2016)被前局长柯米(James Comey)提拔为副手。
Thank you to everyone in #SD13 who votes @DrJillMcCabe today! B. Jill McCabe for State Senator! pic.twitter.com/XsY1t2NjuO
— Dr. Jill McCabe (@DrJillMcCabe) 2015年11月3日
My husband Andrew and I voted, did you? One hour until the polls close in Virginia. #GoVote pic.twitter.com/rxxb8oqWRL
— Dr. Jill McCabe (@DrJillMcCabe) 2015年11月3日麦卡比曾在柯米遭拔官时,短暂代理联邦调查局长职务3个月,直到新任局长克里斯多福·瑞伊(Christopher A. Wray)上任为止。他与担任小儿科医师的妻子吉儿结缡多年,育有一子一女,曾鼓励妻子于2015年挑战维吉尼亚州参议员选举,可惜最终仍不敌对手落败。
川普政府阁员相继离职,除国务卿外,连白宫国安顾问麦克马斯特(H. R. McMaster)、幕僚长凯利(John Francis Kelly)等都传出准备走人的消息,让外界对这届美国政府的统合能力与未来走向,愈来愈觉得雾里看花。
文章来源: Justice Department Fires Embattled FBI Deputy Director Just Short of Retirement
文章来源: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement