这项由柴普曼(Lee Chapman)发起,以「承认台湾是一个国家」(Recognise Taiwan as a country)的连署案公布在英国国会网站上。连署案内文指出,由于「一个中国」政策,英国无法承认中华民国政府,造成英国与台湾的外交关系必须建立在非官方的基础上。
Recognise Taiwan as a country
Due to the One China policy the United Kingdom doesn't recognise the Government of the Republic of China and all diplomatic relations between the two countries take place on an unofficial basis.
It's time to change this. Taiwan is an independant country. Taiwan maintains the Taipei Representative Office in the U.K. in London with a branch office in Edinburgh while the United Kingdom maintains the British Office Taipei in Taipei. This is ridiculous and must change.
Taiwan is a country, but China states that Taiwan is just another part of China. The consequence is that the USA, UK and most countries in the world don't want to upset China, therefore do not recognise Taiwan as a country.