吴季刚婚后首度晒恩爱 「世上最幸运的人」
11.04.2016 15:23
本文来源: 中时电子报
台裔设计师吴季刚Jason Wu日前与财务长老公Gustavo Rangel在墨西哥大婚,引发时尚圈瞩目,也勾起近年追求多元成家的台湾民眾注意。吴季刚当时一切低调,儘管周遭朋友一直PO出婚礼照片,但他始终没有PO出与老公的合照,终于在刚才,吴季刚自己在IG上贴出与老公携手同行的照片,两人牵着手,喜悦写在脸上。
This weekend I celebrated one of the happiest days of my life. I got married to @tavonyc and I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I am so grateful for my friends who joined us @hotelesencia but most of all to my parents, Hank and Jennifer and my brother and sister Kevin and Migumi for being the most loving, supportive, and special people in my life. I love you guys endlessly. Photo by @sarahkusz
本文来源: 中时电子报
11.04.2016 15:23