澳洲同性婚姻合法公投经过长达2个月全国通讯投票以后,终于在今天公布结果,投出将近8成投票率,超过61%票数支持同性婚姻合法,只有38%投下反对票。儘管这次公投并没有法律效力,但是澳洲总理滕博尔(Malcolm Turbull)仍承诺在圣诞节前将同性婚姻正式立法。
Feeling marginally better surrounded by all the love at @AMEquality pic.twitter.com/uf21tUpAXN
— LOTL Magazine (@LOTLmagazine) November 14, 2017So I got a new Equality Campaign T-Shirt earlier today. An elderly couple who are both regularly practicing Christians from Caringbah just complimented me on it at Circular Quay. They said that their daughter is a lesbian & they both voted yes with love. Love wins. @AMEquality pic.twitter.com/zjOtg3naPK
— Kate Doak (@katedoak) November 12, 2017
I'm ready for the release of the #SSM results on Wednesday! Can you guess which one I made myself... #LoveIsLove #MarriageEquality #voteYES pic.twitter.com/oIjx6aVRAm
— Sarah Wickham (@sarahjwickham) November 12, 2017As the #MarriageEquality survey results day approaches, I’m reflecting on the countless Australians who gave their all for equality of LGBTIQ people. We will never forget ❤️💛💚💙💜💗 pic.twitter.com/8DaGSzE0DI
— Sarah Midgley (@sarah4equality) November 12, 2017大批支持同性婚姻的群眾聚集在澳洲墨尔本(Melbourne)等候公投结果出炉,开心唱歌、庆祝公投通过!
The people of Australia have spoken and I intend to make their wish the law of the land by Christmas. This is an overwhelming call for marriage equality. pic.twitter.com/PWZbH5H71r
— Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm) 2017年11月14日全球已经有很多国家将同性婚姻立法,同性婚姻的法律效力与异性恋婚姻的法律约束力相同。儘管澳洲公投不具法律效力,但是澳洲总理滕博尔公开承诺说,圣诞节之前能够将同性婚姻正式立法,让澳洲可望成为全球第26个通过同性婚姻的国家。
文章来源: Australia votes 'yes' to same-sex marriage