美国科技大厂苹果(Apple Inc.)执行长提姆‧库克(Tim Cook)在川普(Donald Trump)当选美国总统后,写了一封备忘录给全体员工,呼吁在不确定时期维持团结,强调苹果会继续提倡社会进步和平等。
根据美国新闻网BuzzFeed News的报导,库克虽并未在信中直接提到川普,但他表示苹果公司将对所有人开放心胸,并且为苹果公司的美国团队和全球员工的多元程度─不论他们的样貌、出身、宗教和性倾向─感到欢庆。库克在文中表示:「唯一往前进的方法就是一同往前进。」
I’ve heard from many of you today about the presidential election. In a political contest where the candidates were so different and each received a similar number of popular votes, it’s inevitable that the aftermath leaves many of you with strong feelings.
We have a very diverse team of employees, including supporters of each of the candidates. Regardless of which candidate each of us supported as individuals, the only way to move forward is to move forward together. I recall something Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said 50 years ago: “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” This advice is timeless, and a reminder that we only do great work and improve the world by moving forward.
While there is discussion today about uncertainties ahead, you can be confident that Apple’s North Star hasn’t changed. Our products connect people everywhere, and they provide the tools for our customers to do great things to improve their lives and the world at large. Our company is open to all, and we celebrate the diversity of our team here in the United States and around the world — regardless of what they look like, where they come from, how they worship or who they love.
I’ve always looked at Apple as one big family and I encourage you to reach out to your co-workers if they are feeling anxious.
Let’s move forward — together!
文章来源: Here's Tim Cook's letter to Apple employees after Trump's win
文章来源: Read Tim Cook’s Email To Apple Employees After Donald Trump’s Election