足协理事长改选陷入僵局,主要是修改章程若要恢復个人会员,可能无法获得FIFA支持。足协上月成立章程研修小组,由身兼副理事长的现任立委邱志伟担任小组召集人,与FIFA会员部门经理尼可拉(Luca Nicola)联繫后,则收到「此时匆促大幅度修订章程不适当,强烈建议足协先按既定章程改选,选举完成后再与FIFA、亚足联共同讨论章程之修订」的回覆。(原文附于文末)
Many thanks for your e-mail, the contents of which have received our full attention.
Please note that to determine whether the CTFA statutes are in compliance with FIFA’s statutes and standards, we would need the entire document and not just an excerpt of some of its articles. However, given that elections of the CTFA are scheduled for 31 December 2017, we deem it is inappropriate to rush through major statutory changes, including in relation to the composition of the Congress and the Executive Committee, at this point in time. We therefore strongly recommend that the CTFA holds its elections as planned on the basis of the current statutes. Any necessary amendments to the CTFA statutes can be discussed jointly with FIFA and AFC after the elections.