这位辣妈不一样!顾娃不忘健身 4万网友大讚有创意

02.11.2017  00:57
2017年11月01日 22:22 中时电子报 林郁庭 一边顾小孩,一边做运动,超会利用时间的!(图/翻摄bubs2bikinis IG)

Anna Strode(@bubs2bikinis)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 10月 月 19 1:40下午 PDT 张贴

Anna Strode(@bubs2bikinis)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 10月 月 19 1:40下午 PDT 张贴

The boob'd and bed workout 💕✨ We have a very sick household 😭 Lachie and Sammy have ear infections and little miss Madi has picked up a bad cold, it's HEARTBREAKING 😢 I know there will be no chance for me to get a workout in today as it's going to be nutso with 3 sick little bubs hanging off me so I did a few exercises while we were waking up this morning. It's just enough to help me start the day with POSITIVITY as we all know how hard it can be with sick kiddos - like, REAL HARD!!! Sure today's workout didn't work up much of a sweat but what it did do is help me smile so I'm going to take that as a win 💖 Anyone else out there have sick kiddies at the moment?! Remember to fit in even just 5 minutes of exercise if you can - it will help you cope sooooo much better I promise! ❤️😘 #girlyexercises #fitgirlsguide #homeexercises #motherhood #igmotherhood #fitmum #mumlife #fitpregnancy #postpartum #breastfeeding #homeabs #homesquats #fitmomsofig #normalisebreastfeeding

Anna Strode(@bubs2bikinis)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 10月 月 19 1:40下午 PDT 张贴

The boob'd and bed workout 💕✨ We have a very sick household 😭 Lachie and Sammy have ear infections and little miss Madi has picked up a bad cold, it's HEARTBREAKING 😢 I know there will be no chance for me to get a workout in today as it's going to be nutso with 3 sick little bubs hanging off me so I did a few exercises while we were waking up this morning. It's just enough to help me start the day with POSITIVITY as we all know how hard it can be with sick kiddos - like, REAL HARD!!! Sure today's workout didn't work up much of a sweat but what it did do is help me smile so I'm going to take that as a win 💖 Anyone else out there have sick kiddies at the moment?! Remember to fit in even just 5 minutes of exercise if you can - it will help you cope sooooo much better I promise! ❤️😘 #girlyexercises #fitgirlsguide #homeexercises #motherhood #igmotherhood #fitmum #mumlife #fitpregnancy #postpartum #breastfeeding #homeabs #homesquats #fitmomsofig #normalisebreastfeeding

Anna Strode(@bubs2bikinis)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 10月 月 19 1:40下午 PDT 张贴


这一支爆红的影片是她刚于7月时诞下小女儿,她常会在不影响女儿的情况趁机做运动。(图/翻摄bubs2bikinis IG)


The boys new favourite thing that HAS to be part of our workouts - TUNNELS 😂💙 #blessthem We got in a SUPER quick workout today during one of Madi's 18 minute power cat naps!!! The girl takes catnapping to a whole new level but she's just so cuuuute she gets away with it 💕 hehe! My workouts may not be set and regimented but they get me MOVING and my goodness, this is one way to work up a SWEAT 💦👊 Since having kids I haven't had the opportunity to go to the gym. There were a few reasons for this, but mostly because I didn't have anyone to look after the twins and when they were born we also went from two wages to one so it wasn't really an option to spend money on a gym membership. I was also breastfeeding them and honestly felt like they fed ALL day long. So seriously, how could I leave them to go to the gym?!?! It was then that I decided to get fit at home. I brought some cheap equipment on eBay and got started. And guess what... I haven't looked back. Our kitchen is my gym, our family room is my gym, our backyard is my gym, our garage is my gym. So think you can't exercise because you can't get to a GYM?! See that room your sitting in?! It's a GYM 😉💪 #fitmomsofig #homeexercises #workouts_4u #homesquats #postpartum #fitmom #homeworkout

Anna Strode(@bubs2bikinis)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 10月 月 10 2:17上午 PDT 张贴

据《每日邮报》报导, 32岁的安娜施特勒德(Anna Strode)表示,会一边抽空健身是因为3名孩子之前都曾生病,所以她总是需要长时间待在家照顾他们,她说:「我知道我没时间上健身房,所以我就抽空健身。照顾3个小病娃是很辛苦的,我相信运动会给我带来一整天的正能量。」她指出只需5分钟,就能让自己可以用正面心态面对即将到来的育儿工作。


The boys new favourite thing that HAS to be part of our workouts - TUNNELS 😂💙 #blessthem We got in a SUPER quick workout today during one of Madi's 18 minute power cat naps!!! The girl takes catnapping to a whole new level but she's just so cuuuute she gets away with it 💕 hehe! My workouts may not be set and regimented but they get me MOVING and my goodness, this is one way to work up a SWEAT 💦👊 Since having kids I haven't had the opportunity to go to the gym. There were a few reasons for this, but mostly because I didn't have anyone to look after the twins and when they were born we also went from two wages to one so it wasn't really an option to spend money on a gym membership. I was also breastfeeding them and honestly felt like they fed ALL day long. So seriously, how could I leave them to go to the gym?!?! It was then that I decided to get fit at home. I brought some cheap equipment on eBay and got started. And guess what... I haven't looked back. Our kitchen is my gym, our family room is my gym, our backyard is my gym, our garage is my gym. So think you can't exercise because you can't get to a GYM?! See that room your sitting in?! It's a GYM 😉💪 #fitmomsofig #homeexercises #workouts_4u #homesquats #postpartum #fitmom #homeworkout

Anna Strode(@bubs2bikinis)分享的贴文 于 2017 年 10月 月 10 2:17上午 PDT 张贴

酒促正妹主打超甜笑容出写真 让人还没开喝就醉了! 阿伯嫌汉堡卖35元太贵 店家爆气:是能赚多少?